"The Disney World" was a company magazine produced for employees that was published in the mid-1960s. Each issue contained articles about all aspects of the Walt Disney Corporation and covered a time just before and after Walt's death which included the start of the "Florida Project"; work on Mineral King; Disneyland's 10 year anniversary; and the 1964/65 World's Fair. Below are PDFs of 13 copies which run 20-30 pages each.
Feb-March 1965 - Topics: Disneyland Tencennial, NYC World's Fair 1965 re-opening
Oct-Nov 1965 - Topics: WED, Carousel Of Progress
April-May 1966 - Topics: It's A Small World, RCA Home Of The Future, Disneyland Security,
Dec 1965-Jan 66 - Topics: Florida Project, Mineral King
August 1966 - Topics: It's A Small World, Creation of MAPO, World's Fair dinosaurs,
Feb-March 1966 - Topics: 1966 DL New Attractions, Mineral King, Disneyland Hotel, John Hench,
Aug-Sept 1965 - Topics: World's Fair, New Tomorrowland, Haunted Mansion
July 1967 - Topics: WDW, Epcot, WED Enterprises, Audio-Animatronic, New Tomorrowland, Club 33, Circle-Vision 360, Mineral King,
April 1968 - Topics: Mineral King, WDW, Disneyland Hotel, Disneyland
Nov 1966 - Topics: Mineral King,
It's A Small World,
June-July 1965 - Topics: Disneyland Tencennial, WED new HQ
April-May 1965 - Topics: WED
November 1968 - Topics: Mineral King, WDW, Disneyland