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1964/65 NYC World's Fair

(also 1962 Seattle and other mid-century fairs)
(This list does not contain all items in the 1964 WF collection)

148) 1958 Brussels Fair Overview Handbook

34-page overview of the fair exhibitions

1958 Brussels WF cover.tiff

147)  Expo '74 Brochure

28-page brochure for the 1974 World's Fair in Spokane, Washington

Spokane Brochure Cover.tiff

146) 1964 U.S. Pavilion

4-page pamphlet promoting the exhibits at the pavilion.

US Pavillion 4-sheet pamhplet cover.tiff

145) 1962 Monorail Award

Small business-card size certificates  given to "inaugural" riders of the Alweg Monorail at the 1962 World's Fair in Seattle. It is unclear if "inaugural" literally means the first monorail ride of the fair.

1962 Monorail Passenger Award.JPG

144) 1962 Monorail Sketch

An original pencil sketch of the fair's  Alweg Monorail as seen on a concrete "T" column. 


143) Photo book with Carousel of Progress

A small visitor photo album from the fair with pictures from inside the Carousel of Progress


142) Ford Pavilion Transparency

1964 letter from an ad agency company working for Ford to a glass manufacture that is also an official licensee of the Fair.  The agency is asking the licensee to make an ash tray utilizing the Ford pavilion design in an enclosed photo transparency.


141) Century 21 Plywood Home

Two variations of this short brochure distributed at the 1962 World's Fair promoting new homes made of plywood 

century 21 plywood cover.jpg

140) Colorful World of Century 21

A 1961 promotional prospectus for the 1962 World's Fair in Seattle. The document features an architectural scale model of the fair.

Colorful World of Century 21 cover .jpg

139) Gyro-Glide

Proposal from Northrop Corporation to build the monorail for the 1962 Seattle World's Fair which was rejected. ALWEG eventually built the fair's monorail system.

Gryo-gilde cover.jpg

138) Space Needle Materials

Three items covering the history of the Space Needle which was built for Seattle's 1962 World's Fair

SPace Needle USA cover.jpg

137) Seattle World's Fair Civic Appreciation Ceremonies

Small, attractive booklet for attendees of opening day ceremonies that occurred two days before the fair officially oppened

Seattle WF Civic Appreciation cover.jpg

136) Seattle World's Fair Final Report

140-page report from the fair's executives to the Washington State World's Fair Commission informing then that the fair is completed and reviewing the operations and results

1962 Seattle Final Report cover.jpg

135) American Airlines Admirals Club Brochure

Brochure and introduction letter to  the American Airlines Admirals Club located at the 1964 World's Fair.


134) Futurama Promotional Packets

2 folders stuffed with press releases and press photos from many different division of GM, the sponsor of this exhibit, including many related to the tide into the future.

00001Futuram Folder A.jpg

133) GE Challenge Magazine

Winter 1963 edition of the internal magazine for GE's Missile & Space division with a section on Progressland 

GE Challenge Magazine cover.jpg

132) Jay Ward's Traveling World's Fair

A satirical brochure from the noted animator and humorist who produced Rocky & Bullwinkle.  It presents zany exhibits for a fictional traveling World's Fair clearly inspired by the notoriety of the 1964 World's Fair.

Jay Ward World's Fair cover.jpg

131) Carousel of Progress Schedules and Newsletters

Large group of GE / CoP memos, newsletters and schedules for the 1965 season of the fair

41COP Schedules and Newsletters.jpg

130) Alweg Monorail Feasibility Study

A proposal for a monorail at the 1964 World's Fair, and post-fair, based on the Alweg monorail at Disneyland. Ultimately the Fair monorail was built by AMF.

1Alweg 1964 Feasibility.jpg

129) State of Illinois (Abraham Lincoln) Maintenance Manual

From Bob Gurr's library is his file copy of the maintenance manual for the State of Illinois exhibit featuring Disney's Abraham Lincoln audio-animatronic.

2Gurr Lincoln.jpg

128) GE Management Conference Script - Carousel of Progress Update

13 page script for Walt's appearance by film at a GE Management Conference in The Bahamas to discuss the Carousel of Progress

GE Progress Script cover.jpg

127) Progressland Orientation Manual

Training manual for 1965 season -

182 pages 

Progressland Orientation Cover.heic

126) It's A Small World Preview Tickets

Pristine condition tickets for one week before the iconic attraction officially opened on 4/22/1964

Its A Small World Preview Ticket Front.jpg

125) Electrical Specifications Guide

74 pages of electrical specifications for Fair pavilions prepared by GE

1964 Electrical GE Cover.jpg

124) Miss Unisphere Booklet

15 page booklet showcasing the contestants in the 1965 Miss Unisphere contest.

Miss Unisphere cover.jpg

123) Charter Bus & Taxi Planning

June 1961 study of parking and space needs for charter buses and taxis at the Fair prepared by the Port Authority 

1964 WF Bus and Taxi Cover.jpg

122) Metropolitan Transit & Planning

March 1964 edition of trade magazine for metropolitan transit industry with World's Fair cover

Transit Planning cover.jpg

121) 1964/65 MTA Annual Report

New York City Transit Authority annual report for fiscal period 1964/65 with pages on revenues from the Fair

1964 MTA cover.jpg

120) 1962 Alweg
World's Fair Brochure

Small brochure touting the benefits of the monorail and how progressive the Seattle fair is to construct it for the fair

1962 Alweg Cover.jpg

119) Tower of Light 

Press kit, two press releases and brochure for the World's Fair Pavilion sponsored by utilities

Tower Of Light cover.jpg

118) French Pavilion Press Folder

This proposed French Pavilion was never built.  Click for more info

French Pavilion cover.jpg

117) 1964 WF - German Pavilion Restaurant Wienerwald

Drinks menu

Wienerwald cover.jpg

116) 1964 WF - Africa Pavilion Restaurant The Tree House

Food menu

Tree House Cover.jpg

115) 1962 Seattle World's Fair Gold Pass

For Charles de Gaulle. 

Believe never presented or used

Seattle Worlds Fair Gold Pass.jpg

114) Jack Kochman Hell Drivers

20-page brochure for this car stunt show at the 1964 World's Fair

Hell Drivers cover.jpg

113) School of Tomorrow

128 page digest published for the

Hall of Education

School of Tomorrow cover.jpg

112) Carousel of Progress Reference Photos

Three group of reference photos for the first three acts of the Carousel of Progress at the 1964 World's Fair.  

Carousel Photos Act 2 cover.jpg

111) Telephone Directory and Employee Guide Archive

Archive of documents related to phone numbers, events and pavilions from an employee binder 

64 WF Phone Directory cover.jpg

110) Sea Hunt Souvenir Program

Program for the Sea Hunt live action show at the Transportation and Travel Pavilion

1964 WF Sea Hunt cover.jpg

109) Pinkerton's Brochure & Application

Pinkerton's provided many services at the Fair and this is a brochure covering the many opportunities and a job application.

1964 WF Pinkerton cover.jpg

108) 1964 World's Fair Demolition Archive

Multiple memos and letters (copies) dated before the fair opened regarding demolition costs for after the Fair ended.

1964 WF Demolition Archive cover.jpg

107) 1964 World's Fair Pan - American Highway Exhibit

5 pages related to the construction of an exhibit about the Inter-American / Pan-American Highway (for more about that click here).  Avis ultimately sponsored it but according to this small archive Disney was originally going to be invovled

1964WF Pan Am Highway cover.jpg

106) 1964 World's Fair Operations Manual

70 page overview of general operating procedures.

1964 WF Op Manual cover.jpg

105) 1962 Century 21 Presentation Booklet

43-page flip book presenting the rationale, designs and main sections of the 1962 World's Fair in Seattle.

1962 Pres Booklet cover.jpg

104) AMF 1963 Annual Report

The 1963 annual report form the company that made the 1964 WF monorail - which is featured on the cover.

AMF Annual Report cover.jpg

103) Carousel of Progress GE Shareholder Pass

An original pass for GE shareholders to visit the Carousel between 9-10am 

Carousel Share Owner Pass 1.jpg

102) Preliminary Revenue And Expense Estimates From 1960

A very early look at Fair financials from 1960 - completed by consulting engineer firm MADIGAN-HYLAND of NYC


101) International Exhibit Brochure in Russian and English

Group of items enclosed in a WF Director's Meeting folder from 6/22/64.  The items are, unfortunately, a bit underwhelming and do not seem very special for a Board meeting.

Russian 1964 WF cover.jpg

100) Board of Director's Meeting Packet

Group of items enclosed in a WF Director's Meeting folder from 6/22/64.  The items are, unfortunately, a bit underwhelming and do not seem very special for a Board meeting.

Board cover.jpg

99) Radio / TV Press Kit

Media press kit - apparently sent to The Merv Griffin Show - with information sheets, brochures, and ad copy

1964 TV Radio Press Kit cover.jpg

98) Opening Day Press Kit 

Used press kit from the Fair's opening day - chock full of press releases -including a fair amount of duplicates.

Opening Day cover page 1.jpg

97) Florida Pavilion 

State of Florida published update on plans for its pavilion.

Florida Pavilion cover.jpg

96) Flushing Meadows & Beyond

Oversized report prepared by the 1964 WF Coro detailing plans for Flushing Meadow park after the fair is over.

Flushing Meadow cover.jpg

95) United Nations Park

An intriguing, odd August 1965 memo from the President of the Charter Hotel Corp suggesting the 1964 World's Fair become converted into a park/fair for NYC instead of being demolished

UN Park cover.jpg

94) May 1964 Memos To Robert Moses

Two memos to Robert Moses from May 1964 regarding the status from state exhibits and various staff changes - with salaries! 

May 64 Memos To Robert Moses cover.jpg

93) 1962-63 Pavilion and Exhibit Plans

Series of memos detailing plans for the companies and countries planning on pavilions and exhibits.

1962-63 Memos on Fair Pavilions : Exhibi

92) 1962 Seattle Fair Observations

Very interesting, 23 page report from ad agency rep who visited the 1962 Seattle Fair and recorded his observations for the 1964 WF Corp. 

1962 Seattle Fair Observations cover.jpg

91) New Mexico Pavilion

Agreement between state of New Mexico & NYWF Corp. dated 9/19/63 for a spot at the Fair.  This is not the original but a copy from the era. 

New Mexico Agreement cover.jpg

90) It's A Small World Cast Member Guide

Disney-Booklet for "Ambassadors of Happiness", employees at the 1964 World's Fair who operated It's a Small World.

SMall World Ambassdors cover.jpg

89) World's Fair Disney Retrospective

1984 WED publication celebrating the company's achievements at the Fair. This booklet is relatively crude by Disney standards. 

NYWF DIsney Retrospective Cover.jpg

88) 64 WF Fair Audience Estimate Report

Outside consultant's report estimating attendance size of the fair, when visitors will go, where they will come from and how they will get there.


87) Ford Times Magazine

May 1965 edition of the Ford corporate magazine with a section on the World's Fair.

Ford Times May 1965 Cver.jpg

86) Fun At The Fair

Short, colorful brochure with some fair highlights and a map.

Fun At The Fair Cover.jpg

85) 46 Great Drinks

Booklet of drink recipes that come from "New York's top bartenders, both in town and at the fair".

46 Great Drinks 1964 WF cover.jpg

84) Food At The Fair

Short brochure highlighting some of the food available at the fair.


83) Monorail At The Fair

Two-page pamphlet about AMF's monorail at the 1964 WF.

Monorail At The Fair P1.jpg

82) Progressland Press Kit

GE Press kit chock full of press releases, photos and other materials related to the company's Progressland pavilion. Includes a 45 of There's A Great Big Beautiful Tomorrow.


81) Progressland Press Kit V2

A variation of the GE Progressland press kit with different mix of materials

GE_At_The _World's_Fair_ogyesz6xgX1v6lgp

80) Vatican Pavilion Badge

1964 ID card for employee of the Vatican Pavilion

1964 Vatican Pavilion ID.jpg

79) SInclair Dinosaurs

Sinclair Oil's fair pavilion featured dinosaur replicas and this brochure profiles each type.

sinclair dinoland cover.jpg

78) Delta World's Fair Itinerary

Booklet published by Delta airlines detailing a recommended three-day itinerary at the fair.

Delta itinerary cover.jpg

77) Progressland Brochure

Overview of the Disney-designed GE pavilion where the Carousel of Progress was introduced.

Progressland brochure cover.jpg

76) 1965 Reopening Invitation

Booklet for the events of April 21, 1965 when the Fair reopened for year two.  Includes original mailing envelope and transmittal letter which is dated 4/23/1965 and signed by Robert Moses. 

1965 WF Reopening Invitatation Cover.jpg

75) GM Futurama Booklet

Heavily illustrated booklet with details on GM's Futurama and Avenue of Progress attractions inside the company's pavilion.

Gm Futurama Booklet Cover.jpg

74) GM Futurama Booklet #2

Larger variation of Futurama booklet - this one is populated with photographs instead of illustrations.

1964 GM Futurama Booklet II Cover.jpg

73) 1963 GM Annual Report

The report for this year features an illustration of the Futurama pavilion on the cover.

1963 GM Annual Report Cover.jpg

72) Greyhound Fair Map

Two variations of fair maps with recommended bus and "glide-a-ride" tour paths published by Greyhound.

Greyhound Orange Cover.jpg

71) Pop-Up Book

Wonderfully illustrated pop-up book featuring iconic areas of the fair.


70) Time-Life Preview

Chet Huntley and David Brinkley wrote articles for this special publication about behind-the-scenes of the Fair's construction.

Time Life Fair Preview Cover.jpg

69) Use of Theme & Symbol of Progressland

GE published this pamphlet to indicate permissible uses of the Carousel of Progress symbols / icons.


68) Magic Skyway Brochure

Heavily illustrated small brochure for Disney's Magic Skyway ride at the Ford pavilion.


67) Fair Preview Brochure

Short brochure for a 1961 fair preview day on April 22 (1096 days before the fair) which featured tours, entertainment and speechs


66) Futurama Pavilion Model Photos

Set of 4 photos of models of the Futurama pavilion with captions on the rear.


65) Walt Disney's World's Fair Itinerary

Detailed itinerary for a group of Disney employees visiting the Fair in June 1964.

Walt 1964 WF Trip Itinerary Cover.jpg

64) It's A Small World Jobs

Interesting letter on It's A Small World letterhead to Disneyland employees about the large number of applications received to work the attraction at the Fair.


63) It's A Small World Employee Guides

Three different booklets for employee at the World's Fair -- 1) "Refreshment Hosts, 2) "Ticket Sellers", 3) "General Hosts"

Small World Refreshment cover.jpg

62) Angry Robert Moses Letter

Official copy of an infamous letter Moses wrote to NYC Traffic Commissioner Henry Barnes after Barnes publicly criticized signage Moses put over a freeway to promote the Fair.


61) Rule Violations

Odd document chronicling all of the rule violations committed by Fair vendors and pavilions. 


60) Swiss Expo Report

A report written by an Assistant Secretary of the Fair after he visited parks and exhibitions to Robert Moses with his findings.


59) GM Engineering Journal

2Q 1964 edition of this trade/corporate publication with a cover story on the Futurama ride.

GM Engineering 0.jpg

58) Seattle World's Fair Study

Very detailed 136-page survey of attendees of the 1962 WF in Seattle. Lots of charts and tables.

1962 Seatlle Fair Report cover 2.jpg

57) Employment Archive

Archive of letters, forms and applications for employment at various fair pavilions including It's A Small World and Progressland.

SMall World APplication Letter.jpg

56) Unisphere Pamphlet

Small booklet about the construction of the Unisphere published by United States Steel

Unisphere small pamphlet cover.jpg

55) Tower of Four Winds Card

UNICEF greeting card in the shape of Rolly Crump's Tower Of The Four Winds. 

Unicef Four Winds Mailer Cover.jpg

54) Unisphere Dedication

Press folder for the 3/6/63 dedication of the Unisphere which includes press releases and press photos.

Unisphere Dedication cover.jpg

53) LIRR Fair Manual

Booklet published for the Fair about the history of the Long Island Railroad with a commemorative token packaged inside.

1964 Fair LIRR Cover.jpg

52) Iran Pavilion

Pamphlet form the Iran pavilion at the Montreal Expo in 1967. 

Iran Pavillion cover.jpg

51) Hawaiian Recipes

Booklet from the Hawaiian pavilion with 50 different recipes.  

Hawaii recpies cover.jpg

50) Seattle Fair Preview

Heavily illustrated booklet about the 1962 Seattle Fair published in 1961.

Seattle Fair Preview cover.jpg

49) Fire Dept Manual 

100+ page booklet detailing fire department procedures at the World's Fair, prepared by Pinkerton's.

1964 WF Fire Dept Manual.jpg

48) Vatican Pavilion

Booklet with photographs and descriptions of the various treasures at the Fair's Vatican pavilion.

Vatican Pavilion cover.jpg

47) State Exhibit List

July 1963 list of state exhibitors with details and illustrations for each.

1964 WF State Exhibits cover.jpg

46) GM Futurama Press Photos

Set of 4 original press photos with rear captions 

GM Futurama Pics cover.jpg

45) NYC Housing Booklet

Detailed guide to hotels and motels across the tri-state area, published by the World's Fair Housing Bureau.

1964 WF Housing Book cover.jpg

44) Coca Cola Corp. Magazine

May-June 1964 edition of "The Refresher", Coca Cola's employee magazine with a section on the World's Fair.

1964 WF Coca Cola Magazine cover.jpg

43) AMF Monorail Press Kit

Folder for the American Machine and Foundry company's monorail with press releases, photographs and brochure

AMF Monorail press kit cover.jpg

42) Restaurant Guide

Overview of each restaurant at the 1964 WF with information on reservations, # of seats, opening times, price range, type of food, credit card acceptance and operator.

1964 WF Public Rest Guide cover.jpg

41) Marina Of The Future

1962 brochure prepared by the NYC Parks Dept. about the construction of the Flushing Meadow Marina which served the Fair and still exists.

Marina Of The Future cover.jpg

40) Belgian Village

Souvenir booklet from the Belgian Pavilion with numerous photographs and historical information.

Belgian Village over.jpg

39) Central Foundry Products

Booklet of pavilions at the Fair that have plumbing facilities designed by the Central Foundry Company.

Central Foundry cover.jpg

38) World's Fair TV Ratings

Internal NBC memos about ratings for World's Fair TV specials.

TV Ratings 1964 WF cover.jpg

37) NY At The NY World's Fair

Small pamphlet about NYC's pavilions at the Fair.

NY AT NY WF 1964 cover.jpg

36) Ford Pavilion Premiere

Brochure given out at the premiere of the Ford Pavilion with an overview of the attractions.

Ford Prem01.jpeg

35) Project '64 

Project '64 was a proposal for seven companies to pool their resources and create one large pavilion to share. This did not happen.

Project 64 cover.jpg

34) Lincoln Mercury Guide

65-page booklet published by Ford with an overview of the fair focusing on the Ford exhibits.

Lincoln-Mecrucy brochure cover.jpg

33) Preparation Of The Site Supplementary  Report

1960 report detailing specifics about transportation and parking at the fair.

64 WF Prepartion for Site cover.jpg

32) Hollywood USA

Souvenir brochure for the Hollywood USA Pavilion.

Hollywood USA cover.jpg

31) Information Report

May 8 1960 World's Fair Information Report - focus on  borrowing of funds. 

WF Info Report 1960.jpg

30) Older Visitor Brochure

Unusual brochure targeting Fair guests over the age of 55.

Older Persons cover.jpg

29) General Cigar

Two brochures from the General Cigar pavilion - one promotes the daily magic show and the other is a history and overview of the cigar.

Cigar 64 wF cover.jpg

28) The Underground Story of Natural Gas

Small booklet published by the Columbia Gas System about the history of natural gas. 

Underground Natual Gas cover.jpg

27) Japanese Economy Brochure

Booklet from the Japanese pavilion about the country's economy and how it helps the U.S.

Japan Economy cover.jpg

26) Visitors To The Fair Report

Engineers consultant report projecting attendance figures and costs for visitors to the Fair.

Visitors to the Fair Report cover.jpg

25) Five Minute Glimpse of Japan

Booklet from the Japan pavilion with an overview of the country and Mitsubishi which was a corporate sponsor.

Five Min Glimpse Japan cover.jpg

24) The Philippines

Booklet from The Philippines pavilion. 

Philippines booklet cover.jpg

23) Four 1964 World's Fair Menus

The menus are from 1) the Chinese Pavilion restaurant 2) The Brass Rail / Pan American Patio 3) House of Good Taste 4) Caribbean Pavilion restaurant 


22) Transportation and Travel Pavilion

Sales brochure to solicit participation in the Transportation and Travel pavilion which eventually housed a multitude of exhibitors and exhibits.


21) New York Times WF Edition Advertising Brochure

1963 brochure produced the New York Times to solicit advertising for its special World's Fair Sunday magazine on 4/19/64. 


20) Flushing Bay Study

1961 study of the Flushing Bay and River Waterfront to prepare the site for the World's Fair.


19) Concrete Sales Brochure Produced For The World's Fair

132 page sales brochure produced by the Portland Cement Association of Chicago that "illustrates a few of the many ways architects have made use of the incomparably rich variety of colors and shapes afforded by concrete in its various applications.

It is chock full of great 60s architectural images


Concrete Applications cover.jpg

18) Singer Bowl Reopening Ceremonies

Small pamphlet with the printed speeches from the reopening ceremonies of the Fair for year two on 4/21/65 at the Singer Bowl.

Singer Bowl Opening Ceremony cover.jpg

17) Formica World's Fair House Marketing Profile

Summary of the marketing efforts and results related to the World's Fair Formica House which can be seen in this Youtube clip

Formica cover.jpg

16) Contract To Use Unisphere on World's Fair Song Record. 

This is a signed contract for the "Pem-Dex" corporation to use the Unisphere logo on its printed copies of the Richard Rodgers official 1964 World's Fair song "Fair is Fair". 


There is also a great letter signed by Robert Moses giving a Pem-Dex official a pass to the Fair.  

Fair Is Fair Record.jpg

15) 1964 World's Fair Security Issues

Two memos regarding security issues at the fair including licensing, loud volume of pavilions and handing out materials  

1964 WF Postcard License Problem cover.j

14) Fair News Vol. 3
No. 3

March 22, 1964 edition of the Fair News which is volume 3, number 3. 

1964WF Fair News Vol3 No3 cover.jpg

13) Stori-Views Souvenir

Lovely example of these Stori-Views pictures for the viewer.


12) Bethlehem Steel

Booklet documenting the multiple Fair pavilions constructed by Bethlehem Steel 

Bethlehem Steel cover.jpg

11) Great White Way

Pamphlet promoting travel packages to NYC combining The 1964 World' Fair and Broadway shows.

Great White Way.jpg

10) Hall of Science Expansion

Oversized booklet detailing the plans for the Hall of Science after the Fair ends.  It is now the New York Hall of Science and still operating in Flushing Meadows.

Hall expansion cover page 1.jpg

9) Flushing Bay and River Waterfront Study

1961 engineering study on upgrades needed for Flushing Bay to meet the requirements of the Fair and to leave lasting improvements to the area.

Waterfront cover.jpg

8) Yellow Pages Insert / All Fair Phone #s

A Yellow Pages insert with phone numbers for all World's Fair pavilions. 

Yellow Pages 1964 WF cover.jpg

7) Futurama Details

34-page document detailing the technical aspects of GM's Futurama attraction.

Futurama Details cover.jpg

6) Memo To Robert Moses About Industrial Section Of The Fair

6-page memo to Robert Moses from head of the Industrial Section Martin Stone regarding signed leases and status updates.

Industrial Section Memorandum cover.jpg

5) Cable Car Proposal

Proposal from the "Tac-Ways" company for an aerial gondola attraction at the fair.  This work went to the Von Roll company instead as they had experience making the Disneyland skyway.

Aerial Tramway Memo cover.jpg

4) HemisFair 

Series of letters from the leadership of the 1968 World's Fair in San Antonio known as the "HemisFair" to 1964 WF staff asking to learn from their experiences.

Hemisfair cover.jpg

3) Demolition Memos

Collection of documents related to the demolition of Fair pavilions.

Demolition 1964 WF cover.jpg

2) New England States

Nine-page interim report about the New England States pavilion 3+ months after the fair opened.

New England States cover.jpg

1) July 1964 Expenses

List of the World's Fair Budget Jan-Oct 1964, expenses Jan-July 1964, and expenses for July 1964 only.

Budget + Expenditures July 1964 WF COVER
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